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The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta’s Commitment to Privacy
Protecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information has always been an important aspect of The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta’s operations. As a provider of Canadian immigration services, the collection and use of customers’ personal information is fundamental to our day-to-day business operations. In fact, a law firm’s most important asset is its information.

We strive to provide you with the best customer service. To us, that includes treating your personal information fairly and with respect. Each of our employees and representatives must abide by our commitment to privacy in the handling of personal information. The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta is also concerned about the personal information of its employees and representatives.

Applicability of The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta’s Privacy Code
The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta’s Privacy Code informs you of our commitment to, and policy on, privacy. It tells you the ways we ensure that your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information are protected.

In this Code, “we”, “us” and “our” means The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta. “You” and “your” means the individual who is a client or potential client of The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta.

In other words, our Privacy Code applies to protect the personal information, in our possession and all clients of the The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta, and users of our Web site.

However, this Code does not apply to personal information collected, used or disclosed by The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta for the purpose of operating the mandatory professional liability program for the Law Society of Upper Canada or any other law society from time to time.

Our websites may contain links to other websites that are provided and maintained exclusively by third parties. Websites provided and maintained by third parties are not subject to this Privacy Code. Please review the privacy policies on those websites to determine their information handling practices.

What is Personal Information?
Personal information is any piece of information, either factual or subjective, about an identifiable individual.

The 10 Principles of Privacy
Our Privacy Code consists of the following ten key principles:

1. Accountability

At The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta, we take our commitment to securing your privacy very seriously. Each employee and representative of The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta is responsible for the personal information under their control. Our employees are informed about the importance of privacy and receive information periodically to update them about our Privacy Code and related policies.

2. Identifying Purposes: Why We Collect Information

Whenever we collect information or establish a file about you, we will explain the purpose and how we intend to use the personal information we collect. We will do this either at that time of collecting personal information or earlier. We will limit the information we collect to what we need for those purposes, and we will use it only for those purposes. We will obtain your consent if we wish to use your information for any other purpose.

We ask you for information and create and maintain a file about you to establish a relationship and serve you as your insurer. We obtain most of our information about you directly from you, or as required, from the Law Society of Upper Canada. In some cases, information may be obtained from an authorized representative, such as your lawyer, or a law firm managing partner or administrator.

The information we ask for depends on which services you require from The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta. For example, we create and maintain a file with personal information about you in order to:

  • evaluate your immigration needs;
  • determine which immigration programs or related services will meet those needs;
  • evaluate applications being submitted, particularly with respect to Canadian immigration; and
  • administer Canadian immigration programs properly, including the handling and resolution of claims.

3. Consent

We seek and confirm your consent to collect, use and disclose your personal information at the time of collection or in advance. We will endeavour to employ clear, understandable language when we obtain your consent.

Consent may be expressed in writing or implied, and in some cases, you may provide it verbally, electronically or through your authorized representative. Written consent includes completing and signing an assessment form or another The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta service. Implied consent may be found where you choose to use a service of The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta, such as one of our websites.

All electronic communication (“e-mail”) with you that is not essential to participation in a The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta service includes a straightforward “opt-out” feature that allows you to request that we cease e-mail communication with you. Not responding to our offer to have your name removed from the e-mail list is another form of implied consent.

Before deciding what form of consent is appropriate, The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta will consider the requirements of applicable law, the type of personal information it needs, the reason for its collection, use or disclosure and the type of customer contact that is involved. For example:

  • where you file an immigration application with us through a designated representative, we may not have direct contact with you. Therefore, we are unable to obtain direct consent from you; or
  • where there is a claim against a The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta client, there is usually a legal duty on us to defend that client’s interests. In order to fulfill that obligation, we must collect, use and disclose relevant personal information about third parties involved in the claim, even though the third parties have not given consent.

The choice to provide us with personal information is always yours. Upon request, we will explain your options of refusing or withdrawing consent to the collection, use and release of your information, and we will record and respect your written choices. However, your decision to withhold details may limit the services we are able to offer, whether at the time of application for immigration or later, such as upon receipt of a complaint.

Once you have provided client information, your ability to withdraw consent may be severely limited unless you completely cancel your application (which is regulated as per the Retainer Agreement you sign with us). This measure is necessary to protect the integrity of your immigration application. Furthermore, any refusing or withdrawing of consent is always subject to any overriding legal requirements or commitments.

4. Limiting Collection

Information is not collected by The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta without a specific, limited requirement. We collect information by fair and lawful means.

When you visit our website, information is not collected that could identify you personally unless you choose to provide it. You are welcome to browse our site at any time anonymously and privately, without revealing any personal information about yourself.

When you telephone The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta, we may see your name on a “call display” feature. If you do not wish us to see your name, please contact your communication provider for instructions on blocking your identification from appearing or call us from a telephone number not associated with you.

5. Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention

The immigration file we establish and maintain about you and the information we request from you is used/disclosed for the purposes defined. We will seek your consent before using or disclosing the information in the file for purposes beyond the scope of your original consent unless required/permitted by law.

Under no circumstances do we sell customer lists or other personal information to third parties for marketing purposes. The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta’s policy is to use personal information only to forward communications necessary or appropriate to the fulfillment of our obligations as a LawFirm. However, if you obtained one of our services through an agent, that agent may use your information for marketing or other purposes as permitted by applicable law. You should consult the agent(s) about their personal information practices.

There are some unavoidable types of disclosure of your personal information which may occur occasionally as part of The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta fulfilling its routine obligations and/or conducting its business in the ordinary course. This includes disclosure to, for example, partners, consultants and staff of The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta, assuming that they are abiding by The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta’s Privacy Code (or their own code that provides generally equivalent protection) and only to the extent necessary to allow them to provide business services or support to The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta, including technology, banking, financial, auditing, accounting, legal & insurance services & The Law Society of Upper Canada.

We will retain your information only for the time it is required for the purposes we describe and as permitted by applicable law. Once your personal information is no longer required, it will be destroyed or made anonymous. However, due to The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta’s ongoing exposure to potential claims and need for actuarial analysis, most information collected and aggregated is kept for a minimum of 6 years after completion of each service.

In addition, some personal information may be retained indefinitely because it is inseparable from records with historical or archival value.

6. Accuracy

All decisions involving personal information should be based on accurate and timely information. While we will do our best to base our decisions on accurate information, we rely on individuals to disclose all material information and to inform us of any relevant changes.

We will make reasonable efforts to keep your information accurate and up-to-date, based upon satisfactory evidence provided by you and to the extent updated information is relevant to the purpose for which it was originally collected.

We regularly cross-check our name and address information for lawyers and other professionals with the Law Society of Upper Canada and other relevant provincial licensing bodies in the jurisdictions where we carry on business. We encourage our customers to review and confirm the accuracy of information provided. If you find any errors in this information, we urge you to contact us as soon as possible (by phone, fax, mail, e-mail, or Internet), and we will make the appropriate corrections immediately, upon receipt of appropriate evidence.

7. Safeguards: Protecting Your Information

We will protect your information with appropriate safeguards and security measures, such as The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta’s computer usage and security policies. Internal and external audits of our procedures and security measures are conducted regularly to ensure that they are being properly administered and that they remain effective and appropriate.

The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta maintains personal information in a combination of paper and electronic media. With respect to our business generally, recent paper records concerning individuals’ personal information are stored in files kept onsite at our head office.

Access to personal information will be authorized only for The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta’s employees and representatives who require access in the performance of their duties, to any person granted access by the individual through the consent process and to those otherwise authorized by law.

When providing information to agents acting on our behalf, we will require such organizations or individuals to abide by our Privacy Code or to have their own code which gives generally equivalent protection. We will give them only the information necessary to perform the services for which they are engaged, and will require that they not store, analyze or use that information for purposes other than to carry out those services.

The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta’s computer systems, including portions of our websites, are password-secured and constructed in such a way that only authorized individuals can access secure systems and databases. To safeguard against unauthorized access to your personal information via the Internet, you are required to “sign on” to certain secure areas of The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta websites using an individual, confidential password. Passwords to the The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta website is provided only upon verbal confirmation directly with the LSUC member or by use of an electronic system which contains identity verification processes. Generic passwords are only employed where there is no confidential information being displayed on the screen by The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta.

If you send us an e-mail message that includes personal information (such as your name included in the “address”), we will use that information to respond to your inquiry. Please remember that e-mail is not necessarily secure against interception. If your communication is very sensitive, or includes information such as your bank account or credit card number, you should not send it electronically unless the e-mail is encrypted or your browser indicates that the access to our website is secure.

8. Openness: Keeping You Informed

The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta has prepared this plain-language Privacy Code to keep you informed. It is made available to the public on our website https://www.anchetalaw.com.

If you have any additional questions or concerns about privacy, we invite you to contact us by phone, fax, mail, e-mail, or our websites, and we will address your concerns to the best of our ability.

9. Providing Individual Access

We will give you access to the information we retain about you within a reasonable time, with a written request, satisfactory identification and proof of entitlement. You also have the right to know:

  • how we collected your personal information;
  • how we are using it; and
  • to whom it may have been disclosed, except where such disclosure was to a governmental body or service provider to The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta for routine purposes. This would include, for example, auditors, reinsurers and accountants acting for The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta.

If you find any errors in this information, we urge you to contact us as soon as possible (by phone, fax, mail, e-mail, or our websites), and we will make the appropriate corrections immediately, based on the receipt of satisfactory evidence.

In some cases, we may not provide access to personal information within our possession or control. This may occur when:

  • providing access would be likely to reveal personal information about a third party or could pose a threat to the security of the third party, and the information cannot be segregated;
  • disclosure would reveal confidential commercial information of The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta;
  • it would be too costly, in our determination, to retrieve it;
  • the personal information is protected by solicitor-client privilege; or
  • the information has been collected during the investigation of a legal matter or cannot be disclosed for other legal reasons, such as a non-disclosure agreement.

If we deny your individual request for access to your personal information, we will advise you in writing of the reason for the refusal and you may then challenge our decision.

10. Providing Recourse: Respecting and Responding to Your Privacy Concerns

The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta encourages you to contact us with any questions or concerns you might have about your privacy or our Privacy Code. We will investigate and respond to your concerns about any aspect of our handling of your information.

In most cases, an issue is resolved simply by telling us about it and discussing it. You can reach The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta Customer Service by phone at 647-977-2889, by fax at 905-232-1088, by e-mail at info@anchetalaw.com, or by mail at:

The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta

1420 Burnhamthorpe Road East

Suite 405

Mississauga, Ontario

L4X 2Z9

If, after contacting The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta Customer Service, you feel that your concerns have not been addressed satisfactorily, please contact the The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta Chief Privacy Officer at 647-977-2889, info@anchetalaw.com, or by mail at the above address. Please be sure to include your name, address, preferred method of communication, the nature of your complaint, and relevant details, including your past communications with us.

If the issue is still not resolved satisfactorily, we will provide information on other complaint procedures that may be available to you.

Any changes to our Privacy Code and information handling practices shall be acknowledged in this Privacy Code in a timely manner. We may add, modify or remove portions of this Code when we feel it is appropriate to do so. You may determine when this Code was last updated by referring to the modification date found at the bottom of the page.

Version No.1; February 2018
Last updated February 20, 2018


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The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta

1420 Burnhamthorpe Road East

Suite 305

Mississauga, Ontario

L4X 2Z9

Telephone:  647-977-2889

Facsimile:    905-232-1088

Email: info@anchetalaw.com

Our Location

The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta

Read More:

Fill out our Free Assessment form to discover your opportunities to come to Canada.

Read our Immigration pages to find out about all available programs to immigrate to Canada.

Read our Temporary Residence pages to find out about ways you can come to Canada, to visit, study or work.

Read our Status and Appeals pages to find out how we can help you verify, restore or appeal your status in Canada.