Programs Available for Immigration and How You Can Qualify
Those are programs that allow for people who can provide contribution of an economic value to Canada, to come and establish their lives in the country. Programs included under the Economic Programs group are:

Federal Skilled Worker Class (FSW): This is a class of candidates who are selected based on their ability to become economically established in Canada and possess skilled expertise with which they can actively contribute to the Canadian community.

Federal Skilled Trades Class (FST): This is a class of candidates who are selected based on their ability to become economically established in Canada and possess skilled trades with which they can actively contribute to the Canadian community.

Canadian Experience Class: Individuals who have acquired some sort of experience in Canada via study, work or both are usually given the chance to apply for permanent residency in Canada should they wish to remain and continue their future here.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program: This is a program recently created to boost the immigration fulfillment for required skills in the 4 Atlantic provinces of Canada.

Express Entry System: The Express Entry System was initiated in Jan, 2015 and have revolutionized Canadian Immigration. Instead of processing candidate applications on a first-come first-served basis, the applicant now has to compete in a pool of candidates and expect an Invitation to Apply (ITA) should his/her score be among the highest in that pool.

Express Entry is a Case Management System, not an immigration program. It covers the 3 previously discussed programs. The program started in January 2015, in order to achieve mainly 2 goals:

To enhance the selection process of those who will be allowed to immigrate to Canada in a way that caters best to the actual needs of the Canadian economy.
To speedup the process of immigration processing as the government promised to finalize the processing of eligible and complete applications within a 6-month period.
The Express Entry system has undergone several improvements since its inception that made it even more efficient in its current format. It currently flows in the following sequence:

It starts with you achieving initial eligibility to one of the programs, and creating an online profile.
Once you are in the system, your profile is assigned a score called the Comprehensive Ranking Score (known as CRS), and with that score, your profile sits in a pool to compete with every other profile that is already there.
Every month, there is one or more draws conducted by the Canadian government to send an Invitation to Apply (known as ITA), to a group of individuals based on a threshold (minimum score level), that is determined by the Minister of Immigration.

Once you are selected in one of the draws, and receive an ITA, you will have 90 days to submit all the documents the government will ask of you, and based on the correctness, completion and accuracy of those documents, in addition to other health and security related checks done by the government, you will be granted the Permanent Residency Visa.

Federal Skilled Workers

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This program allows immigration to those who can come to Canada, contribute to its economy and become established with their families, and who have a certain specialty that requires a university or college degree. The program is run through the Express Entry system and has its own criteria for eligibility. Some of those criteria are:

  • Age: Majority age is 18. Ideal age is 22 – 35
  • Education: Secondary school is the minimum, Bachelor or higher preferred
  • Work Experience:
    • Minimum 1 year in the last 10 years
    • Experience should be through full time work (minimum 30 hours/week)
    • Experience should be for paid work (volunteer work does not count)
  • Language Proficiency: Canadian Level Benchmark (CLB) 7 or higher
  • Job offer: It is not mandatory to have a job offer from a Canadian employer, but it helps with your score as follows:
    • 50 points for professional positions
    • 200 for managers’ level positions
  • Adaptability: Your adaptability in Canada is also rewarded if you have any of the following:
    • Previous work in Canada
    • Previous education in Canada
    • Blood relative in Canada

The Federal Skilled Trades program allows those who have a certified trade to immigrate to Canada provided they fulfill a certain number of criteria. It is also managed through the Express Entry system. Some of the eligibility criteria is as follows:

  • Settlement Intention: You plan to live anywhere in Canada but outside of Quebec.
  • Language proficiency: In English or French
    • Speaking and Listening – CLB5
    • Reading and Writing – CLB4
  • Work Experience: At least 2 years of full-time work experience (min. 30 hrs./week) in the last 5 years before you apply.
  • Job Requirements: Meet the job requirements for that position (NOC), except for needing a certificate of qualification AND
    • Either have a full-time employment offer for min. 1 year OR
    • Have a certificate of qualification in that skilled trade issued by a Canadian provincial or territorial authority.

Canadian Experience Class

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If you have worked in Canada for some time, you might be eligible to immigrate to Canada under this category. Here are some of the qualifying criteria:

You qualify through Express Entry

  • Work Experience: At least 12 months of skilled work experience in Canada in the last 3 years before you apply
  • Work Type: Either full-time or equal amount in part-time
  • Language Proficiency:
    • NOC 0 or A: Min. CLB7
    • NOC B: Min. CLB5

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

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This program is a partnership between the government of Canada and the 4 Atlantic provinces

  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Nova Scotia
  • Prince Edward Island

The program works 3 stages

  1. Employer Designation: Each employer wishing to benefit from this program must communicate with the Provincial Immigration Office in their respective province and complete the process of designation. Once they are a designated employer, they can advertise, and hire newcomers in the job categories they require.
  2. The Recruiting Process: Employers then communicate with their recruit via a participating settlement service provider organization. The candidate will work with that organization to provide a settlement plan. That plan is sent back to the employer who completes the endorsement of the province.
  3. The Immigration Process: The candidate then completes their permanent residency application. Approved candidates will come to Atlantic Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island), and the employer will support their settlement and integration plan.

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The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta

1420 Burnhamthorpe Road East

Suite 305

Mississauga, Ontario

L4X 2Z9

Telephone:  647-977-2889

Facsimile:    905-232-1088


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The Law Office of Evangeline Ancheta

Read More:

Fill out our Free Assessment form to discover your opportunities to come to Canada.

Read our Immigration pages to find out about all available programs to immigrate to Canada.

Read our Temporary Residence pages to find out about ways you can come to Canada, to visit, study or work.

Read our Status and Appeals pages to find out how we can help you verify, restore or appeal your status in Canada.