6 Main Factors Determine Your Eligibility to Immigrate as a Skilled Worker

Oct 31, 2017Immigration

Canada has a robust immigration system that accommodates numerous categories and enables an average of 300,000 new Canadians to join our community each year. The largest portion of that number is dedicated to the Skilled Workers.

If you have a certain profession or specialty that enables you to contribute to Canada’s strong and growing economy, you might have a good opportunity to immigrate to Canada as a skilled worker.

Each applicant is usually evaluated on many factors, on a total score of 100. You need to score a minimum of 67 points on that scale to be eligible to apply. The 6 main factors you are normally evaluated when calculating your eligibility score are explained here:

  1. Language Skills: Your ability to write, read, listen and speak English, French or Both counts for up to 28 points. You will need to provide current results of a language proficiency test in either languages (or both if you can), The higher your score is, the more points you collect under this factor.
  2. Education: Your level of education counts for up to 25 points of the scoring scale. The higher your educational credentials are, the more points you will score. You will need to back up your credentials with a Canadian accredited equivalency service.
  3. Professional Experience: This factor can win you up to 15 points on the scoring scale, if you have worked 6 years or more during the last 10 years prior to applying to immigrate. You should also occupy a position which falls under the approved job positions for this category. Approved positions are those requiring you to have a college or university degree, in addition to senior managers’ positions.
  4. Age: Your age counts for a maximum of 12 points on the eligibility scale. You should be at least 18 years to apply for immigration, and you continue to gain the 12 points if you are 35 years of age or less. Once you pass the age of 35, your score for this factor decreases with 1 point every year.
  5. Arranged employment in Canada: If you have a valid job offer in Canada, you can gain up to 10 points on the eligibility score. Keep in mind, that you job offer should be valid (meaning that it is at least for 1 year, full-time work “30 hours/week or more”, not seasonal and not issued by a banned employer)
  6. Adaptability: You can also gain up to 10 points on the eligibility score if you demonstrate one or more of the following adaptability factors:Your
  • spouse or common-law partner has a good language level in English or French (Your spouse will have to prove their language proficiency in the same way you do)
  • You have previously finished an academic study program in Canada that is at least two academic years of full-time study.
  • Your spouse or common-law partner has finished an academic study program in Canada that is at least two academic years of full-time study.
  • You have worked before in Canada for at least 1-year, full-time work in one of the approved positions referred to above
  • Your spouse or common-law partner has worked for at least 1-year, a full-time work in one of the approved positions.
  • You earned points under factor no. 5 above (Arranged employment in Canada)
  • You or your spouse or common-law partner has blood relatives who live in Canada, 18 years or older and are either Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Blood relatives are:
    • A parent
    • A grandparent
    • A child
    • A grandchild
    • A child of a parent (sibling)
    • A child or a grandparent (aunt or uncle)
    • A grandchild of a parent (niece or nephew)


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Read More:

Fill out our Free Assessment form to discover your opportunities to come to Canada.

Read our Immigration pages to find out about all available programs to immigrate to Canada.

Read our Temporary Residence pages to find out about ways you can come to Canada, to visit, study or work.

Read our Status and Appeals pages to find out how we can help you verify, restore or appeal your status in Canada.